Looking For Meaning In The Reason For The Season
(Blogger's note: This is my very first blog post and I'm not really expecting it to be Pulitzer-worthy. 'Just trying to get some thoughts out.)
Every year during the Christmas season I keep expecting one of experiences to happen that will knock me to my knees in pure awestruck amazement. Something that will show me what the true meaning of Christmas is.
Yeah, I know that Jesus is the reason for the season. I've read Luke 2 and listened to just about every heartfelt Christmas song -- old and new. I believe it. Jesus IS The Reason for the Season.
But outside of the stable; out of the manger and away from the nativity -- What is the meaning behind it all? What I'm really asking is this: If "Christmas" were to walk down my street today, what would it look like? What would it say? What would it do?
Today I read a devotional entitled "A Christmas Miracle" from Proverbs 31 Ministries written by Micca Monda Osborne entitled .
(Read the devotion at http://www.crosswalk.com/faith/devotionals/encouragement/ )
This piece got me thinking about how every year at Christmas I seem to be looking for a deeper Christmas experience to highlight the year. I'm looking for my own Christmas miracle. I've thought about it; prayed for it -- even looked for it like it would descend upon me like that star in the east!
So what more could I want beyond the greatest story ever told? I just want to be a participant in the Christmas way of doing things.
When I say miracle, I don't necessarily want God to use me to make the lame walk or the blind see. But I keep thinking how much I would like to have significant impact on someone's life. How I would love to the great pillar of Christian wisdom for some other woman. Or maybe be able to provide something for a family in need.
Then I realize that I can't even keep my laundry caught up most weeks and I don't have two nickels to rub together. Some miracle worker I'd be. How can God use me to perform a miracle in someone else's life when the real miracle would be for ME to get MY act together? To paraphrase the Apostle Paul, 'I don't do what I want to do, and can't keep from doing what I don't want to do.' Oh wretch that I am!
So here I am this year, like many other years: afraid that Christmas will get by before I've had a chance to experience it to it's fullest. And I'm sad to admit that it's happened all too many times before (sigh!)
So if indeed Christmas comes & goes in the fashion it always has I will most likely do what other red-blooded American women do: Go looking for joy in the day-after-Christmas 1/2-off sales at Wal-Mart and Garden Ridge. You take happiness where you can find it. (But do I really need any more Christmas gift wrap?)
I am enjoying Christmas. I am enjoying my Christmas decorations: My 7 1/2 foot pre-lit tree with all the ornaments from years gone past; my lighted Christmas village, all my nativity scenes, Christmas figurines and my scented candles. I'm enjoying my Christmas music (and enjoying it much better on my 30gb mp3 player.) I enjoyed giftwrapping all our Christmas presents and I can't wait for my kids to tear into them on Christmas morning. I'm looking forward to our family Christmas celebrations. These will forever put a smile on my face. They weave a pattern of remembrance and tradition into each Christmas.
But still . . . This year . . . I'm looking for my own personal "star in the east" -- that A-ha moment when I "get it." Really get "it". When I get what it's all about. I've had those moments before, but strangely enough, they usually don't come at Christmas -- the time for peace, hope & love, but also the time when I'm too busy to notice.
My prayer for today is that God will show me the true meaning of "Christmas" walking down my street; that I will know "it" when I see it, and He will show me what to do with it.
--- MPH
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